Adam the Poet

Adam walks the line.

I need to keep a record of all the interesting things that Adam has said in his 4 years thus far on Earth. Here's a sampling:

One time Sophia was crying and my Mom was saying "It's ok, its ok its ok". To which Adam responded, "It's not ok, its not ok, its not ok."

Later my Mom told Adam that on the beach we can collect shells, which is very exciting! Again, he responds with "But, some of the shells are broken."

One day I picked Adam up at school. It was a beautiful sunny day. I told Adam, "Isn't it a beautiful day!!!" He said, "But, the wind still blows the trees."

And then this morning may have been the pinnacle in his pithy statements. Every morning Adam crawls into our bed and hangs out for a bit. He crawled into bed at some point in the night last night, I never heard him. This morning at about 7 AM, we had the following conversation:

"I have to tell you something."
"Last night, my eyes filled up with tears, and then the tears fell out of my eyes, because mama wasn't here." (Felicia worked last night.)
Loooooong pause..... "Adam."
"That could possibly be the saddest thing I've ever heard."
"I know."

Adam - my sensitive, poetic son.


Anonymous said…
Santosh, this is the loveliest thing I've read in a while... it wholly agrees with my own character, which I recently described to a friend as 'melancholy optimism'. Sounds like Adam has a healthy dose of the same... I can only love him for it...
Santosh said…
A comment from Morgaine! Wow - I am reaching Craig's better half as well! With the new baby coming, you also have a lot of insightful comments in your future as well.
Asha said…
I love that little boy :o)

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