
I have discovered a whole world of music out there: the blues and soul music. People like Pee Wee Crayton, Al Green, Charlie Parker and Red Prysock. I really really like the old Delta blues from the 30's and 40's. Their influence is most pronounced on bands like White Stripes and The Black Keys. And, we probably wouldn't have Zeppelin w.out th elbues.

There's something just so REAL about these artists, that over-dubbed Britneys cannot reproduce.

Listening to Pee Wee Crayton right now - Early Hour Blues.

I ran into a faithful blog reader over the weekend, who felt it was a bist surreal actually talking to me in person, as he follows my life on-line daily.

Thanksgiving week-end has come and gone. We got together with some family for dinner last night in Langley. Had some great turkey dinner.

Felicia is working tonight and Sophia simply won't sleep. She's been crying and screaming for the past half hour. I took her out for a bit, but I'm hoping she'll settle.

It rained all day today. I mostly hibernated except for a run for groceries. I made a great sandwich today. Here's the recipe:

Ham, turkey, lettuce, tomato, cheddar cheese, red bell peppers(marinated in a jar), mayo, oil and vinegar dressing - all on a hero bun. I felt like a real man as I ate that while drinking coke and watching the Riders lose.

I have been very happy about our church - we seem to get new people every week - now if just some of them would just stick around for more than a week.....


nick said…
It wasn't too surreal, and I knew you were "in a crunch".
Anonymous said…
You may have an easier time getting people to stick around if you offered perks. Maybe if that wine came in larger cups...
Santosh said…
LOL - I know a church in the States that offered an ipod raffle draw to drum up new customers - a bit sad, isn't it?
Anonymous said…
I guess that depends on how many gigs it is...

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