Let's Talk Post-Modernism and the Emergent Church...

Evangelical conservatives, Mohler, Sproul and Zacharias take on the Emergent Church.


Derek Vreeland said…
RZ is my hero. He made the best observation IMHO. "Were they bored with God? What brought this on?" I thought that was a good observation...what brought on the emergent conversation. Did these young evangelicals get bored with God, or doctrine, or the Church?

Good stuff.

Thanks for posting the video.
Anonymous said…
I couldn't stop watching You Tube clips of this panel discussion. As someone who left the church a long time ago, I still find arguments around the church interesting. One of the most interesting things I saw in these clips is that there is actually no discussion, only agreement. It would have been great to see a panel discussion with multiple views represented. That's why I loved growing up in the Mennonite community; in my private high school I was educated on major world religions before I studied ANY Mennonite history. Kudos to my school for promoting tolerance and allowing students to make their own educated decisions on faith!
Anonymous said…
This video infuriated me. These men patently misrepresented a very broad and nuanced movement with sweeping generalizations, patronizing (though unqualified) witty quips and (what seemed to me) no effort to understand. Do I acknowledge the truth of much of what they are saying? Of course, but that only makes their own twisting of truth more palatable. These men should know better.

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