
Spent most of the day working on my sermon. It's pretty much finished. Romans 1:8-16 - Paul's passion and desire to get to Rome, culminating in v.16 which is my life verse -being unashamed of the gospel because of the power therein for the salvation of everyone who has faith.

I had to take Sophia to get her 1 yr. shots, which was the single most traumatic event of both of our lives. She had to get 4 shots, one in each leg and arm. Needless to say, she was thrilled. I didn't even like looking at the needle going in.

In the waiting room, a lady gave Sophia her keys -there were probably 2 dozen on the chain, along with an automatic car door opener which was so big, it probably doubled as a toaster. Sophia roamed around the small waiting room proudly waving her new toy. The room's reaction ranged from amusement to numbness. If you cannot respond to a smiling child, then you probably need to be seeking medical help.

Friends of ours gave us this child carrier that hooks onto the back of my bike. So, I have started taking Adam for bike rides to the beach or the park. It's a lot of fun, as he makes comments like "There is a bird or there is a tree."

Oh - I almost forgot. My new favourite band is Aradhna. Do yourself a favour and check this band out. They perform worship music in Hindi in Indian raga style. It is the most beautiful music I have ever heard. And - everyone in the band is white!!! But, they have all spent time in India. The lead singer Chris Hale now lives in Toronto. Anytime, they come within driving distance of Vancouver, I am going to go.


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