Leisure Problem

Soph having a tough time taming her mop.

Here's the thing - things have been pretty slow lately. There haven't been any big admin. type stuff I have needed to be on top of. I haven't preached in a couple of weeks. There have been a few behind the scenes things spinning pretty fast, but on the whole, I have been faced with some major down time.

This is the first time since September where I have encountered more then one day in a row where I haven't sort of had some kind of pressure hanging over me. About 9 months of frantic sprinting.

This new found leisure time is frankly a bit disconcerting. I feel a bit guilty and anxious that I'm going to be found out. I cannot sort of allow myself to just let go. I do have some biggies coming up. But for the last 2-3 days nothing too major to occupy my time.

How do we face leisure in a culture on perpetual hyper-drive? Even if I take a retreat of solitude, I still have pragmatic reasons floating around in my subconscious. We are too driven. We need to be more Zen like and just be - thanks Eckhart - some of his stuff is a little kooky, but his advice to slow down and enter into the present is pretty powerful stuff.

Just. Be.

Slow. Down.


Derek Vreeland said…
"Slow. Down."

Funny. I was just preaching yesterday on spiritual pathways (spiritual disciplines)... and the first pathway I talked about was stillness...slowing down.

You can listen online here:

Enjoy your down time!

ReverendKathryn said…
Your little girl is too cute.

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