One Step Closer to Knowing

Felicia and I are in a season of discernment right now. We have been presented with another ministry opportunity in another part of Canada. This is an excellent opportunity where I would still be employing my primary gifts of preaching and leadership.

But..... it would mean leaving behind our beloved fledgling seed of a ministry - Urban Sanctuary. We have shared this new opportunity with Urban Sanctuary and they have entered into this season with us. The response has been mainly positive, with a few people upset at the prospect of us leaving.

Right now, I feel as if the tectonic plates are shifting under my feet, and I am just waiting for them to settle. They say that the most insecure a person ever feels is during an earthquake - because the ground beneath your feet starts to move. The one thing you could always rely on - the ground - is now insecure.

In some ways, this is how I feel - a bit of anxiety, until things are settled one way or another.


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