Regent Pastor's Conference

It's 3:30 in the morning - I can't sleep. Sophia was crying, and it woke me up. I rolled over and told Felicia -she told me to not tell her, and get out of bed.

So here I am.

I've been at the Regent Pastor's Conference since Tuesday. The speakers are Bruce Hindmarsh, Marva Dawn and Darrel Johnson. This may well be one of the best conferences I have ever been to. The content level is very high, very challenging and very inspiring.

Bruce Hindmarsh is an academic with a pastor's heart. He has reflected on the prayer lives of Bernard of Clairveau, Terese of Avila and Richard Baxter. His talks have been astounding. I have been on a personal journey into contemplative prayer, with Teresa and St. John of the Cross as my guides - so Hindmarsh's words have resounded very close to my heart.

Marva Dawn is a real gift to the church . She does a lot of writing and speaking. She has also experienced physical pain and disability throughout most of her life. But, her mind is as sharp as ever. She has been teaching us from 3 lament songs, on how to pray through suffering, loneliness and when others criticize us.

Darrel Johnson is a former professor of mine and a close friend to Felicia and I. Darrel is the best preacher I have ever heard in my life. (And I have heard all the famous ones.) He has been leading us in reflections on John 17 - the high priestly prayer of Jesus, which Darrel calls the conversation at the center of the Universe - God the Son, speaking to God the Father. Darrel is the only preacher, whose preaching provokes me to worship God more, to know God more, to love God more.

On top of the richness of this teaching, has been the absolute joy of re-connecting with former students, who are now scattered throughout Canada, faithfully serving God where he has placed us. Regent College is a special place in my life. It is the reason the Ninan family came to Canada from India - my Dad studied there in 1973. It has been deeply formative in my own life as well. A place where I was able to learn, and was able to broaden my Christian horizons to learn from people outside of my own narrow tradition. And for that I am grateful.


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