Chalk Mark in a Rain Storm

Sword fighting at 2nd Beach.

Well, Lost completely flipped me out tonight. Why is this the weirdest, most addictive show on tv? We are headed further down the rabbit hole, Alice.

Had the kids today. Pretty harmless and no injuries. It is getting kinda sad - whenever I have the kids during the day, we always end up at McDonalds for lunch. The same Mcdonalds in Library Square at Robson and Hamilton. And we always get the same table. Adam saves it, while Sophia and I get the food. It's always funny to look back and see this tiny little guy sitting at the table by himself.

Got some of my sermon done, which was nice. We had a meeting of Urban Sanctuary last night, where we made a few decisions about what happens if Felicia and I leave. It appears as if the church will dissolve - no money and no leader. So June will likely be our last month together as a church. I suspect that everyone will stick together, start attending a new church, but be a home group of that larger church.

I will preach twice in June, and that will conclude my urban missional church planting adventure. It was fun while it lasted, and I am looking forward to the next chapter of the narrative that continues to unfold before me.


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