Out with the Kids

Felicia worked today, which left me tending the flock. And luckily, the power was out from 9-3, which was just perfect! We went to McDonald's for lunch, and then the playground after.

I find when I am out with the kids, without Felicia, I am always shot sympathetic looks from women. I wonder what they think:

"Poor thing - his wife isn't around. And there he is valiantly shoving fries into his children's mouth"
"Look at him struggling with the stroller."
"Poor thing - he doesn't even know how to coordinate his kids clothes"

I usually put on a sort of pathetic sad expression, in the hopes they give me money.

It hasn't worked yet.


Jeff Logan said…
Santosh, you should be happy those are the looks you're getting. When our oldest was born I stayed home (I was doing a lot of research and writing work at the time) and Juli went to work at the denomination in an office job. It was when "family rooms" first cropped up at nicer malls. Everytime I would bring him in to change him I would be in the middle of a 'feeding frenzy' and I was shot glare as if I was some perv trying to catch a peek or something - long story short I wasn't and so I ended up just changing him in the men's room - on the counter when there wasn't a change table - instead of facing the looks.
Anonymous said…
You might find you'd get more 'donations' if you converted the cup holder on the stroller to a donation jar; you know, with a little sign that says something like 'suggested donation $5'. And the uncoordinated clothes could go a long way to getting pity cash in Yaletown.

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