Where did my day go?

Before I knew it, it was 5 in the afternoon. I spent most of the day chained to my desk, trying to complete my sermon. I finished at around 3:30 and promptly passed out on our couch. Everyone else was sleeping, so it was easy to doze off.

I awoke to a family of Ninans buzzing around. The only excursion I made was to pick up my bike from the shop - every spring I get my mountain bike serviced at the same shop. I felt free riding my bike on the sea-wall afterward, listening to Band of Horses on my ipod.

A guy at the shop had glued a toonie on the counter. I was looking at it, wondering how I could palm it when he wasn't looking. Finally, I tried to pick it up to give to him, and discovered it was glued down. The bike guy smiled at me. "I glued it this morning. Pretty good prize - a toonie".

I felt like an idiot. I smiled and told him that was a great trick. Then took my first ride of freedom of spring 2008.


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