Ottawa Day 3

It's 1:15 AM - why am I still up? Why, to blog, of course!

This morning Barry Boucher shared about the spiritual heritage of Canada, focusing on a lot of Christians in the history of our nation. I was quite alarmed that no mention was made of the grievous sins made in the name of God by colonial missionaries.

Had some fantastic chats with some other pastors and church planters.

Went to Parliament Hill to pray. Also went to the Canada House of Prayer. Quite an amazing ministry - a beautiful home run by people who just want to keep praying for our nation and its leaders.

Excellent fund raising seminar from a very inspiring Southern Baptist church planter - Rick Lamothe. Got some great ideas about how to better fund our ministry - "If God gives the vision, he will also give the provision."

Then tonight Ed Stetzer rocked the house. What a blessing he was as he gave a straighforward message on the mission of the church from 2 Cor. 5. Stetzer is a very gifted communicator, and I think we were all quite motivated by his message tonight.

I have more to say, but should probably sleep - have a breakfast meeting in 6 hrs. Spencer is leaving for the airport in 2 and a half hours and is still pounding away on his mac!


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