Banff Day 1

Drove for 12 hours yesterday. Between Revelstoke and here, the high-way was horrible - snowy and windy.

Checked into our hotel - turned out some friends from Vancouver who now live in Calgary happened to be in Banff last night - met them for dinner and now the whole family is going to meet them for brunch.

Listened to a fantastic sermon by Alistair Begg on expository preaching - He's one of those guys who is hanging on to this classical way of bringing for the word - no time for narrative, or anything else that is trendy.

His message rang so true to me - we need to be careful exegetes and expositors of God's Holy Word. That is our task as preachers. We are not entertainers, comedians, motivational speakers or self-help gurus. We are connectors - we connect the world of Israel, Jesus and the prophets with the world of ipods, lattes and designer clothing.


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