Ottawa Day 2

2 missional dudes trying to get it done.
(I couldn't straighten this pic out - symbolic?)

Had a really full day with Alan Hirsch. Alan is the author of some seminal works on the missional church - check out his blog on my side-bar. It's actually a fairly complete web-site.

I think Hirsch's thinking is completely revolutionary. He is now consulting globally - he has even spoken to the leadership at Willow Creek!

The book Shaping Things To Come is the best book to help orient you to the missional church conversation. If you are in ministry in the western world, I highly recommend you read this book. In fact the entire leadership team at Urban Sanctuary is reading through the book this year.

His latest book is "Exiles". By examining the missionary explosions of the early church and the current church in China, Hirsch extrapolates characteristics of missional movements that are transferable to various contexts. This stuff is dynamite.

I can't express how thrilling it is to have 4 people from our leadership tam here!!! Amy, Brent and Spencer spent all day digesting Hirsch today. Amy and Spencer are staying on for the larger congress that starts tomorrow.

I am SOOOO grateful these saints have sacrificed valuable working days in order to invest in the leading of our church. Thanks guys!

Note - please pray that I get some sleep! It is midnight and I'm wide awake! It's 9 PM for my internal clock.


Anonymous said…
Hey Big S, I didn't write exiles....:-) I think you mean The Forgotten Ways.

Great to see you again.

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