The Trouble

Not since "Boom goes the dynamite" have I been so addicted to a video clip. I still cannot follow her train of thought. She goes from people not having maps, to the educational systems in South Africa and "the" Iraq. And then she advocates that America go and help the schools in those other countries!!! Man.

Yesterday (Saturday) I had to do 2 things I didn't want to do. Both involved people and travel. I realized these are things I have to do as a Christian - so I had to shove personal wants behind me - is this what dying to self means? Doing stuff you don't want to do, so that you can do what God wants?

I realize that in life sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do. But, we shouldn't have lives that are completely made up of things we don't want to do - that is misery.

It comes back to vocation, calling and passion. God's will for most of us involves doing things we love to do. If you are presently not doing something you love to do, maybe it is time to re-examine your calling, and see if there is a way your passion and your vocation can correlate.

Yesterday was an exception - most days I love what I'm doing, especially if I am prepping a sermon, leading a small group, or just thinking about various aspects of ministry.


nick said…
I assume you're talking about Miss Teen USA, but where's the clip?

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