God's Warriors

CNN has had an excellent series the last 3 nights called "God's Warriors". Christiana Amanpour has done an amazing job researching the roots of fundamentalism in Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

I found the Islamic and Jewish programs, especially interesting. The roots of contemporary Islamic terrorism can be traced back to a Muslim who came to America in the 1950's. He found America to be a moral wasteland, and left disgusted. He did a lot of writing which became formative for Bin Laden, and other similar terrorists.

The Christian segment was well done - but I am quite familiar w. the religious right in the states, but it did have a segment with one of my heroes: Greg Boyd. I need to do a separate post on Boyd (actually I might have already, awhile back).

I have added a couple of links to the right: James Wheeler and I went to Bible School together. Greg Boyd is the pastor of a church in Minneapolis and outspoke critic of the fusion of American nationalism and Christian faith.

Check them both out.


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