
Yesterday was a bit hairy. Preached at a church in Port Moody. I preached on Psalm 40:1-3, which U2 recorded as a song. The church was doing a summer series on the Psalms, so I chose that one.

It went well. The couple that invited me are John and Andrea Rose - they used to go to First Baptist, and knew me from there. They are hands down the nicest couple that I know - so genuine and kind.

Came back - had a nap, and then prepped for our service. Cam Roxburgh was speaking - he spoke very well - very encouraging of what we are trying to do.

Also - Alpha may be popping up in my future, through what seems to be a divine turn of events. Will keep you posted.

Rained again today - typical for the Summer of 2007.

DO NOT SEE THE MOVIE DISTURBIA - it is horrible!!! It starts off as a bad teen romantic comedy and then morphs into an even worse horror thriller - it well may be one of the worst films I have ever seen.

Other bad movies I have seen:
Da Vinci Code


Unknown said…
Hey Santosh!

Miss seeing you on a regular basis.

Sounds like everything is going well.

Praying for you and your community!

Scott Cripps
Jessie Cherian said…
Happy Birthday!

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