Sunday Evening Coming Down

This title is a play on a Johnny Cash song - which may have been written by Kris Kristoferson - "Sunday Morning Coming down".

Had a really good service - tine turn out, but I was really blessed by the worship and discussion. Joel Milne-Epp was in town, and dropped by - Joel has blessed our community silently by doing our old first@night web-site for 2 years free of charge! Joel has been my friend since Grade 9, so it was great to catch up.

Also my uncle Chandy was in town also - we went to St. John's in the morning, and then he and I and Joel headed out for a bite after Urban Sanctuary tonight.

It was really good - I gave an update about where our church was at, which was sobering in some respects. We need to seriously grapple with the idea of sustainability. I sort of painted a realistic picture of some growth targets that we need to hit in the coming year - if we don't hit them it is unlikely we will continue in the same way as we are now. There has to be some sort of numerical growth for us to be able to afford to continue. Everyone seemed to agree on this point.


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