Best Picture ever and Church of the Apostles

I am in a tiny hotel room with the fam., in Auburn Washington - about a half hour south of Seattle. We came here for a "family" wedding - my second cousin, that I have never met, from Kerala married a guy from the Seattle area. An uncle from India, and another from New York were there - since we are not too far, we decide to attend as representatives of the Canadian Ninan clan.

So.... in typical
Malayali fashion it was very very long. At the end, they asked all family to stay behind for some pictures. My uncle from India insisted we stay for the pictures - remember this is a couple I have never met before, and did not even know what they looked like.

So we get herded on to the stage, and pose for several pictures with the newlyweds - we do not know this couple, and they have no idea who we are - but there we are smiling away, and just as quickly we are herded off, never to be seen again! It was sooo funny!!!

Then we headed over to the zoo, which was pretty good.

I have tried in the past to connect in with an emergent church called "Church of the Apostles" in Seattle. I have been aware of them for quite some time, and greatly admire their founding minister, Karen Ward. Well, I managed to catch the tail end of the service tonight, as Felicia and the kids rested in the car.

Karen had organized for a group from their community to host us for dinner - which was quite kind of them. So after the service we headed over to Jon Myers' house, with about 10-15 others. Over pizza and beer, we heard a bit more of their story - It was a really great time. I think what Karen and the others are doing is really fantastic. I gleaned quite a few ideas that Urban Sanctuary could adopt.


Derek Vreeland said…
I love Indians! I have been "adopted" into an Indian family...although I only see them maybe once a year. The family concept in India is so much stronger than in the US. I like it.

Have you connected with any of the A29 guys in Seattle? I think they have a lot to offer in regards to missional / emerging church discussion.

I have been thinking a lot recently about creating sacredness in worship. I blogged on it last week. I think that it is good to reach back into the historical church for help as long as we communicate ancient symbols in a way that people today understand.

If they don't understand our use of historical language/practices, I have found that it can be a distraction.


Anonymous said…
Just returned from the cabin last night. Your SK family was there, and some woman from India. I didn't really learn who she was, but she seemed to enjoy herself. There was a big group of us there and we enjoyed chatting and swimming.
Anonymous said…
Santosh, it was a blessing to have you and Felicia and the kids over to our house. I am glad you got to talk with Travis some and meet some of our community. I look forward to more conversation and connection in the future. Peace.

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