B.C. Day

The picture you have been waiting for. The bride is my 2nd cousin, whom I have never met before. Never met the groom before. But I love the fact that we are in this picture on their wedding day together.

Today is B.C. Day. I celebrated by lazing around the house and then escaping long enough to see "The Bourne Ultimatum", which was excellent - maybe the best of the 3, although I forget most of the second one, except that he was in Goa India at the beginning and his girlfriend gets shot.

Official soundtrack of Summer 2007:

Icky Thump - White Stripes
Neon Bible - Arcade Fire
Wave of Mutilation - Pixies (bit dated, but still amazing)

Also I have been enjoying Great Lake Swimmers, especially at night - so relaxing.


Anonymous said…
Great picture!

You can tell from the look on the bride's face that she's thinking 'Who is this guy?'

BTW what ever happened to oldman?

Anonymous said…
Oldman is still around :) But he is dealing with other matters for a while.

Gaspard de Coligny II

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