Forced Sabbath

I have been going hard for the past 2 weeks and it finally caught up with me. I have been fighting a growing sense of illness this past week. I still dutifully showed up for work everyday. And then last night I woke up at 3 AM, and was unable to get back to sleep. I called the school at like 7 AM and left a message, explaining my predicament.

I still went in in the morning, to teach my first two classes and finish up some paper work that NEEDED to be done. At the end of my class, I went to see some students that were leaving the next day. It was pretty sad, w. two Japanese student bursting into tears and hugging me - which was weird because I didn't feel particularly close to these 2 girls.

Some pics up top of me in a tie!

So, I took most of today off, and will take tomorrow off - a forced sabbath. This is the concequence of not obeying the natural rythym of keeping the Sabbath - your body rebels and forces you to slow down.

But... here's the thing, I still keep working. Did some church work tonight.

I need the down time because I am performing a wedding ceremony on Sunday, out of town, in some camp site in the middle of nowhere. I need to be 100% for it.


Joel M-E said…
Good to see the pictures of you in a tie. When you are getting with your Japanese girls... you really should do the "V" thing

Jessie Cherian said…
Have a fantastic Teacher's Day (Sept 5)... not sure if it's big in Canada
Derek Vreeland said…
Can a church planter ever get Sabbath rest? I hope you feel better...

BTW, I like the tie. Stylish!


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