Party on

Mayor Sam Sullivan checking out the Yaletown Street Party.

Today was the annual Yaletown Street Party - the 2 major streets in Yaletown - hamilton and Mainland are shut down to traffic, and there are a bunch of different activities going on, including a lot of live music.

Well, the weather sort of dampened things today - it was raining and cloudy all day. So it didn't seem as much fun as previous years. We did see the mayor roll through, however. He's having a tough time, with a massive civic strike underway - expect to see a lot of garbage on the streets. I also find out that I make roughly the same salary as a Vancouver garbageman. I should see if I can work as a scab during the strike.

I would like to recommend the use of a couple of resources for daily prayer:

Celtic Daily Prayer - A collection of daily devotionals, along with a rythym for daily prayer offices.

The Divine Hours - Phylis Tickle is someone I have discovered just recently. She has written several prayer guides, which divide up the day into 7 "offices" or times for prayer.

You could also just get the Book of Common Prayer, which is also a great resource.

So what I'm getting at is the need to have regular intervals during the day, where we set aside 5-10 minutes to be alone with God. "Praying the offices". Christians have been doing this throughout history, and I am grateful to have re-discovered this practice.

I use the Celtic book in the morning, and the Divine Hours throughout the day. I highly recommend having a pattern of prayer in your life - I can guarantee you will start to see incremental changes in your spiritual life.


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