Movie Ticket Seller

Well - a whole 4 days since my last post.

I reviewed "Sicko" for Relevant Magazine - I think the review will run on Monday - will link to it from here.

Working M-F, really makes me relish my weekends more - the luxury of sleeping in! Lounging around, reading, going to a movie!

Today I saw Live Free and Die Hard - about a 6/10 - it was ok, a few good scenes - I think the first Die Hard is still the best.

Then tonight we had a bar-b-q at Locarno Beach near UBC with Felicia's Mom's group from FBC. It was pretty fun, meeting some of the other husbands - all really nice people.

Tonight I am just relaxing - We didn't rent a video - Out of Sight and Minority Report are on tv - Felicia's watching that, while I'm on here.

Tomorrow - finish up service prep., do a little long term planning - we have a leadership meeting as well, which I need to prep. for as well.

Funniest thing - In the school that I teach at, we team-teach - that means that there are 2 teachers/class who split their time teaching the class. So today I go to Tinseltown to see Die Hard - and the guy who sells me my ticket is MY TEAM TEACHER - DEREK!!! Ha ha - It was kind of awkward at first. I was like, "you work here, too?" He said, just on Saturdays. I'm still trying to figure out why he works there - maybe he just likes movies a lot - I'm sure he makes enough money teaching, that he doesn't need the 2nd job - Anyways it was pretty weird.


Joel M-E said…
Some teachers may sell movie tickets, and others may sell souls .. or I maybe a better term would be a soul broker - one who finds a God for someone who needs to fill their soul. (your clients may be disapppointed if they find out that you only deal with one God :)
Santosh said…

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