Life, and other distractions

My sporadic blogging is evidence of the business surrounding the transition into my new job as an ESL teacher.

I have now taught for 3 days. The school I teach at feels more like a business, then a school. All the male teachers are required to wear ties - I have barely worn a tie since I worked at the national offices of Campus Crusade more then 10 years ago. I have probably 5 ties, and maybe 3 dress shirts that look decent enough to wear. I have one hideous red tie with birds on it.

I teach 2 different classes. One class are elementary English speakers - very, very basic. This class has students from Japan, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland. My other class are Intermediate speakers - at a higher level. This class has students from Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Peru and Mexico. I really like this class - they are very genuine and enthusiastic about life, really fun to teach.

This week, I was basically guided to the text book and told to start teaching. I was really out of it, in terms of the admin. requirements - there are tons of forms that regularly need to be filed. I hope to get on top of all that stuff next week.

The best part of my job is biking there. It's sort of the other end of downtown Vancouver, and takes me about 10-15 minutes to bike it. I feel quite urban wearing a tie and dodging rush hour traffic on my trusty Marin.


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