1 AM

I just finished prepping for FOUR lessons for tomorrow! It is now 1 AM. I have to be at the school at 8:30. Will hit the hay soon.

Today I met my class: 2 girls - one from Korea and one from Japan
6 guys - one from Switzerland and 5 from Saudi Arabia (!)

Also have a church meeting and a tennis game after teaching tomorrow - and then prep for the next day, tomorrow night!

I forgot to post that I saw 7 Samurai last night on the big screen. 7 Samurai is one of the greatest films of all time. It is truly amazing:
3.5 hrs. long
black and white
in japanese w. English subtitles
made in 1954

Yet - it is still a gripping movie, that holds your attention for the whole time.

I venture to guess that there are University level courses taught on this film, or at least on Kurosawa as a film maker.

Kurosawa was influenced by the Western genre, in turn Seven Samurai influenced the American remake "Magnifecent 7" and many spagheti westerns to follow. Even George Lucas claims that 7 Samurai had a direct influence on the Star Wars series.

Kurosawa is truly an amazing director and Seven Samurai is his masterpiece. If you have 3.5 hrs. - go rent it! It was a real treat to see it on the big screen.


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