
Do you like how I managed to coordinate my shirt with the hospital sheet?

Also, Sophia and I in solidarity of the clenched fist.

Just got home from the hospital.

Everyone is sleeping except for me - but I think I am going to sleep soon.

Sophia has a little jaundice and has to go back to the hospital for some more blood work tomorrow.

She is wearing a dress, which is so big it looks more like a blanket.

Adam is definitely warming up to her, and is bringing her toys to play with.


Anonymous said…
Hooray! Congratulations on your new daughter. She's gorgeous. Felicia, will definitely pray for your recovery. Lots of love to the four of you and wishing God's abundant blessing on you all.

joèl and greg... and Baby Amzil, due August 17. :)
Anonymous said…
Congratulations and thanks for sharing the photos (good coordination on the shirt, Santosh)! We'll keep Felicia in our prayers.

Erin, Andrew and Emilia

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