Baby Baby

Showed the beauty off tonight at Urban Sanctuary. She was a big hit - it was quite interesting. All the females gathered around - and all the guys were at the other end of the room talking about .... engines? I don't know.

Preached a sermon tonight! I had a baby, and still had time to write a sermon!!!

In Ephesians 3, Paul talks about knowing the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge.

How can we know something in a way which surpasses knowledge? I think there is a knowledge which is deeper then intellectual knowledge - How do we know we are in love - WE JUST KNOW.

The emotional knowledge is deeper then intellectual knowledge - then spiritual knowledge would be deeper still.

I think this is what Paul is getting at. And it is for this reason, I think that evidential apologetics will no longer be as popular as it was a generation ago - we will still need it - but what we will need even more are small communities of people who will build deep relaitonships with those around us.


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