Weather Blues

Aerial view of Stanley Park in better days.

Stanley Park is closed, B.C. Place is falling down - what the heck. This city is being blown apart by gale force winds.

Saskatoon had one of the worst blizzards yesterday.

I don't know what to make of all this. It was cold today - like Saskatchewan, toque, mitts and scarf cold. Mother Nature is getting her revenge for our abuse of her.

Yesterday I plunked a question in the middle of my blog which I later edited out, because it had nothing to do with what came before and after it. Here it is again:

How do we start a missional counter-culture community in the midst of the gross affluence that exists in Yaletown?

The answer --> You start one like you would in any other community. Find where the needs are and start serving?
What are the needs in Yaletown? Loneliness, meaninglesness, .....?
So that's a start.

By the way - the weight loss thing is going well. 13 pds. in 9 days - is that normal? That sounds like way too much. I've just been eating healthy and going to the gym more. I even ate Tofu today!!!! The transformation from red-neck prairie boy to left leaning, tofu eating west coaster is still underway. Before you know it, I'll be wearing Birkenstocks, eating granola and buying organic pet-food for my hamster. My days will be filled with aromatherapy classes, yoga mat rolling and listening to Dylan. (Well, I already listen to him).


Missional Jerry said…
Ill watch with interest your development of a missional community!

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