The Least of These

The Robert Pickton trial started today. Pickton is accused of killing 46 women - he has been charged with 6 murders. All the women were from the downtown eastside.

Drug addicted prostitutes are the most damaged, vulnerable people in our society. When Jesus spoke of "the least of these" I'm sure he thought of these women.

As the crown presented their case, I started to feel sick. Pickton is accused of dismembering the women.

Last night at first@night I prayed for the families of the victims during the coming weeks and months. I then took the bold step to pray for Pickton and his family. This reminded me of a time when I led prayer at Regent's chapel service a couple of years ago. I was supossed to pray for peace, - in the prayer I included a request the peace would reign in the heart of Osama Bin Laden. I remember pausing when I came to his name, but I still prayed for him.

I remember James Dobson speaking about his encounter with serial killer Ted Bundy in prison. Dobson said Bundy had made a commitment to Christ. I know some people who have a tough time with it. The following Sunday I was singing "To God Be the Glory". There is a line in there that says: "the vilest offender who truly believes, a pardon from Jesus recieves."

Grace has got to be able to reach to the depths of human depravity. And it does.

What's so amazing about Grace?



ReverendKathryn said…
Food for thought. That is what you gave us today. I suppose it is not something we consider.. that these people are redeemed and when they believe in the saving grace of Christ, their sins are erased. We humans however, have a hard to forget the sins of others and sometimes our own. Thanks for the reminder of what grace really is.
Anonymous said…
Tell me something Santosh related to a question I asked earlier.Would mr Picton be able to go to heaven if at some point he gave himself to Jesus and asked forgiveness for his sins? Whereas a very good and honerable jew would be condemed to hell simply because he believes in the Jewish faith?
Anonymous said…
Sorry Santosh the last posting was me OLDMAN..I hit the wrong button
Anonymous said…
Howdy Oldman, basically, it works like this.
dang I only have 10 minutes on a libray computer to respond to this. Oh well.
If Mr. Pickton were to to repent, reform, confess his sins, and truly beleive in Jesus Christ, he could go to Heaven. Gods grace must be able to reach everyone, or it just does not work.
Again, however, as far as other religions go, there is no other way to be saved. No matter how 'good and honorable' you are, your nature is still evil at heart. Any Jew can still convert and be saved, though.
I just don't know how to explain this better. I remember reading a book once by a guy named Lee Strobel called 'The Case for God' I think and he had a good chapter on why you can only be saved by Christ. But now I am out of time.
have a good one, Oldman.

Gaspard de Coligny II

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