Oh no, Dr. Montgomery!

"Healthcare in the heart of Yaletown - if you can afford it"

For the past 6 years I have had the same physician: Dr. Brian Montgomery. We are quite close and I call him Brian. He knows me inside and out (literally). This is the longest period of time I have had the same doctor. We have quite a good relationship. I've invited he and his partner over to our place, but we've never been able to sync our schedules up.

Well, I am sad to say our professional relationship is over. Brian will no longer be my doctor. I made the decision earlier this evening. As I was watching the news, Brian's face all of a sudden popped up - His clinc - the Mainland Clinic - is now going to start charging its patients to make appointments. The fees are going to be $30/appt. or $75 for the year to become a "member" of the clinic.

The only motivation I can see is obviosuly money. The physcians obviously decided that the amounts they were billing the government was not enough. I hold Brian responsible. He founded the clinc in 2000.

One of the hallmark charecteristics of Canadian culture is Medicare - the belief that we will provide medical care for our citizens at no cost. Some conservatives call this "communist medicine". I am fairly conservative, but this is one socialistic policy i agree with - I also am starting to be convinced of the need to socialize housing for the homeless.

I am sure the Brotens will back me on this one, considering their political lineage!

I saw Pan's Labyrinth today. Will probably review it for Relevant this week.

Anyone know a good doctor in Vancouver? (who doesn't break the Canada Health Act?)


Hey - an Indo-Canadian actor was on 24 tonight!!!! Way to go brother!!! Shaun Majumder is better known as a regular on "This hour has 22 minutes" on CBC. He has some fame in Canada, but I would guess he is virtually unknown anywhere else now. But now the rest of the world will know him as the Islamic terrorist who nuked L.A.

Between he and Kal Penn, I am starting to feel a lot more pride in my peoples.


Unknown said…
why do they always cast the indians as terrorists?

happy new year dude!
Anonymous said…
lsbpxksuOldman here again..Gaspard de colligny ii...Is it not true that in order to commit a sin you must first understand that it IS WRONG..so if a person does not believe in Jesus and does not think that it is wrong to do so how can that be a sin and prevent him or her from going to heaven?
Anonymous said…
Oldman here one more time...Santosh can you please tell me how many people are in your congregation?
Santosh said…
Oldman - ignorance of the law does not make me exempt from the law - example - I was doing 50 in a 30 zone in Calgary. the cop still gave me a ticket, even though I did not see the signs.

You don't have to understand something is wrong in order to sin, you just have to do it - it is sin, whether or not you believe it to be sin.

We have between 10-15 in our congregation. We are tiny - but so are mustard seeds and leaven.

Ravi - are you Ravi G. from Dublin? Positive poprtrayal of Indians in movies - Ghandi.... uh, any others?
Loeppky family said…
Canadian healthcare is not free - it costs us all. And that cost is collected through taxes. Doctors, especially family doctors, collect very low rates as set out by the government of the province they practice in and I cannot blame someone for trying to collect more money for a very important service that requires many years of schooling in order to provide it. The fact that they are charging a fee will probably discourage people from coming to the doctor when they probably don't really need to "because it is free anyways." This is a major problem all across Canada where it is hard to find a family doctor and when you do, their time is taken up by a little old lady who has the sniffles and feels a bit lonely so goes to the doctor more so for the company than because she needs treatment from a healthcare professional.
Joel M-E said…
well said mr or mrs loep. I agree that there are too many people going to the doctor that shouldn't, and if they had to pay $5-10 each visit, they would think twice. What I support more is for doctors to charge fees for people who don't show up to their appointments. My dentist does this, so if I can't make it, I will call well in advance so that someone else can take my spot.
Anonymous said…
I agree with the sentiment that there are too many people who are mis-using the system for sickenesses that are not really all that bad.

That being said, I suspect my doctor's plan is going to back-fire. I just don't see many people paying for something they can get for free at any other doctor's office in Vancouver.

I don't agree that doctors collect "very low rates". The doctors I know personally are living lifestyles that would not lead one to believe they are not making much money.

Joel M-E said…
I don't know if your doc's plan will fail. If things are as bad in Vancouver as they are here (Edmonchuk), you can't find a doc.

As far as wages go, things are all relative. Family docs are underpaid relative to the other specialists out there.... but when you compare their wage to a settlement analyst or a pastor (excluding health/wealth churches) they can't complain.

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