This is not like home

I have a confession to make: this is not like home.

We got in last night. Hitched a ride with the friendliest taxi driver we've ever had. He regaled us with tales of his trade, including the unfortunate night when he was robbed of his money, his lunchbox, his sunglasses and then even his taxi.

I alluded to the fact that Saskatoon always feels like home when I got back there. This last trip was especially nostalgic for some mysterious reason. Also this was the first time we came back to Vancouver and I realized this is not home.

I am mystefied as to why this place that I have lived in for 5 years, this city that I love and want to see God's kingdom extended still does not feel like my home. I feel like a tourist.

I am still technically on vacation this week, although I have a service to prep for on Sunday. Coming home makes me get back into work mode.

Saw Taladegga Nights - the Will Ferrel movie - all the funny parts are in the trailer - 2 stars out of 5.


Anonymous said…
i hear you....

going home to SK is always a little bittersweet..

it's like 'the land that time forgot'


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