Anger Mis-Management

Well, my hard drive is now full - I have been deleting old word files, but I think I'll have to delete some of the 2000 phtotos I have on I-photo.

The title of this post refers to an incident I had as I was heading into the bike room to get my bike.As I was walking in, another guy was walking out I brushed by him as I tried to get in the door. At which, he turned to me and with some kind of accent said, "Why can't you f-ing wait?!?!?!?" I stared at him in disbelief and then said "What is your problem, man?"

I thought it was going to get physical but he kept walking away and we kept yelling back and forth. I got to my bike and i was SO FREAKING ANGRY.

Went for a walk around the science center and up to Kits Beach. it was nice but my bike felt wierd.

Islamic terrorists - why do they do what they do? They feel the West is against them. They are lonely and alienated - they feel like strangers in the west. They find acceptence and affirmation among radical Muslims who give them a cause to live and die for. The ultimate reward is to die in glory, taking down as many infidels as possible.

One thing that bothers me is that when this happens, "moderate" muslims start to protest how they are being lumped in with the radicals and it is unsafe for them. Listen - lumping all muslims together is like getting saying the KKK and Baptists believe the same thing.

I believe moderate Muslims should work overtime to condemn the acts of the radicals, instead of worrying about how their images have been tainted.


Anonymous said…
I experienced bike rage a month ago. To get across a busy street, I sometimes push a pedestrian button that makes the light red for the cars. There were a couple cars waiting, so I didn't feel bad about helping them cross at the same time. Just as I pushed the button, this bike came up the hill and had to stop..... as I was going across, we was swearing at me, something about a two way street or something. Once I got across the street and was biking away, I was hoping that he would catch up with me, so that I could suggest he get some anger management councelling.

Keep on bikin'
Anonymous said…
These tales of bicycle terror only reaffirm my commitment to going everywhere in my SUV.


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