funny how?

(Guard in Pakistani airport)

Finished up most of the sermon - "The Power of Vision" .

Found it hard to concentrate today - mind kept wandering - i have these kinds of days form time to time.

Goodfella's was on tv tonight. i just caught the scene where Joe Pesci taunts Ray Liotta by asking him, "funny, how?"

It's one of the great scenes in film. It's also a great film - with the exception that they drop the "f-bomb" a million times and it is pretty amoral.

I think it was Warren who once commented that Dances with Wolves won the oscar that year for best picture. Dances looks so dated now, while Goodfellas really stands up.

I will have something to say about the recent terror arrests, maybe tomorrow.

If you're flying leave your bottled water and shampoo at home.


tonymyles said…
That scene really defines that movie.

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