Don't hate the playa

From a comment on resonate's message board earlier today (posted by me)

Are we spreading hate? hmmmmm - I think there are segments of our society that actually hate those who are not like them. In the Christian world - do Christians at Focus on the Family actually hate homosexuals, abortionists etc.? I don't think so - but I think that when we use the term "culture war" which Focus and other right wing groups do, we have set up negative and unhelpful contextual terminology that creates barriers, rather then bridges.

Do you remember in Yancey's book on grace, he talked about asking people next to him on planes what came to mind when he said the word "evangelical christian" - it was always negative or political - right-wing, anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-women. It was never love, grace, sacrifice or service. Yancey asks the question that was first posed in this discussion - what happened?

We have now entered the most polarised political time in our culture. It's like 2 people yelling at each other across a football field - neither side can hear the other and can barely see what the other even looks like.

This fall I hope to meet with some of the gay leaders in the West end of Vancouver to listen to their stories and see what we can learn from them and how we can serve them.


Anonymous said…
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." (Matthew 10:34 NIV)
Santosh said…
Peace - I leave with you, my peace. - Jesus
Anonymous said…
As a Christian who has lived with a homosexual orientation most of my life, I would suggest that something that seems only "unhelpful" to someone in your position feels a lot more like hate to someone in my position. They may not be the violent haters, but those kinds are far more easily dismissed. The calm, rational and articulate haters are far too easy to justify. To me, it is far closer to hate than you might like to acknowledge. I admire your commitment to this issue, so keep it up.
Santosh said…
It really doesn't matter how you "feel" - feelings are subjective. You have to get beyond that and look at the facts.

You need to step out of oyur subjectivity and look at the issue objectively. I may "feel" that Arabs on a plane, speaking Arabic are terrorists - my feelings are moot.

You need to ask yourself - if someone is opposed to homosexual behaviour - can that be called hate?

I know people who are strongly opossed to the Christian beliefs on abortion and homosexuality - but I do not believe they hate me or all Christians.

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