Big Time

i am writing this post with thge screen projected onto my parent's living-rom wall. We are about to watch V for Vendetta on the projector, so I thought I would update while waiting for Felicia.

Today - went into downtown Regina! It was awesome. I bought a bunch of Rider gear in support of the bad news bears of the CFL - the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Also saw the house I used to live in when I went to Bible College here - it is smack dab in the middle of the 'hood. It still is.

This afternoon I went swimming with Adam, Felicia, my sister and her 2 kids. There is this incredible pool close to theisr house. I've never really seen one this nice before.

Then had some amazing Indian food cooked by my mom - who is sitting here watching me type all this right now. Also had a discussion about the theology of the cross with my brother-in-law who is quite a bright chap, which explains why he is doing a PHD and I am not.

That's it, I am too hot to write anymore.

Be kind to each other.


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