Cleaning me off of the street

Vancouver has a lot of street people. By that I mean there are a lot of people who live, sleep and sit on the streets.

The pan handling has gotten to a point that businesses on Granville Street have hired a private security firm to patrol a few blocks of the streets. It was in today's Sun.

SOOOOOO.... I had planned on seeing the movie The Descent (really gory horror flick - DO NOT go see it). I was waiting for my buddy Phil and was sitting in a little entryway near the theater.

When lo and behold, 2 behemoth security guards come up and tell me there is no loitering. (To loiter means to remain in an area for no obvious reason). I had a reason.

When I informed these 2 pituitary cases that I was waiting for a friend, I was told that I was blocking a fire exit. Now, some of you have seen me - I'm a bit overweight, but you would be hard pressed to build a case that I have the ability to block an ENTIRE fire exit.

So I got up and leaned against the wall and consequently made the streets a little bit cleaner and safer for the precious tourists and residents of this great city.

Your warning - do not sit on Granville Street - its against the law (I think).


Anonymous said…
Brian Hutchison wrote a piece on the aggressive panhandlers of Vancouver in today's National Post (Aug 22 Page A3)

Anonymous said…
You probably should have asked them if they had some spare change.

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