Fasting is a spiritual discipline where you abstain from food for a period of time in order to pray and deepen your relationship with God. It is practiced in many religions. I fasted lunch and supper today. I was going to fast breakfast as well, but only had a few hours sleep last night, and so decided I needed something to make it through the day. I'd like to be able to fast one day a week, but it's kinda hard because so many of my meetings take place over lunch. And also, I really like to eat. Fasting is very difficult, but it is good. It is hard to explain the effects if you've never done it before. Some days when I fast, I really experience a real spiritual high. Other times I end the day angry and hungry. But fasting opens up spaces inside you. For example, if I feel angry at the end of a day of fasting, then there is a reason for the anger, apart from just lack of food. And then I need to explore the root of that anger. Halloween - this was the first time Adam got to ...