The Knight is too Dark

My $12.50 contributed to the 3 billion $ or so money the Dark Knight made this weekend. I have not been so eager to see a movie since the Departed. I went on Saturday afternoon with a buddy. The theater was packed with giddy people.

And.... this is one dark flick. David Letterman said you should see the Dark Knight for 2 reasons:
1. Heath Ledger's performance.
2. Batman's motorcycyle.

Ledger does dazzle as the psychotic Joker. I have never seen a more disturbing character on the screen. And dark is the best way to describe the film. The movie opens with a murderous bang and really doesn't stop from there. Everyone is excellent in their acting, yet Ledger still manages to tower above everyone else.

Like Apocalypse Now, this is a film that it is hard to say you "liked". It is so dark, depressing and holds no ultimate redemption.

I hate to say this, but I really wouldn't recommend kids under 10 see this movie - it'll mess you up man.

A pretty full weekend: bar-b-q, concert, golf driving range, dinner out, church, picnic in park and the Dark Knight casting a shadow over it all.


Anonymous said…
After seeing some of the trailers, I'm in no hurry to watch the movie. I just don't feel like I need that kind of energy flowing through me for a couple of hours. My advice: go take Felicia to see Mamma Mia instead (but only if you like ABBA of course), you'll smile the whole way through.

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