
My parents were in town this weekend. My Dad had an "early years" reunion at Regent College. My Dad was in the 3rd graduating class from Regent - I was in the 35th graduating class. They had a great time meeting up with old friends and profs, including Dr. James Houston and J.I. Packer.

We saw them a few times which was nice - they also came to Heritage Mountain for my first sermon there. The sermon went well, and I was glad they got to meet our great new church.

I worked on Saturday, so I took today off - we drove through Stanley Park and hung out on 3rd beach in the afternoon. Then tonight my parents and Felicia and I went for dinner for me and my mom's b-day.

I find as I get older and it comes to gifts like Christmas or my b-day, I am not so interested in material things. Instead I would rather have new experience. Like, for a grad present from Regent, I got a surfing lesson in Tofino. For this birthday, I went to Spamalot with Felicia - which is hands down the greatest musical ever! And then I got gold lessons - which will help make the shift to suburbia even easier.

We were walking down Robson street, and my mom even asked me if I wanted anything - I seriously didn't. I have enough clothes. I even resisted getting a book at Chapters! Progress.


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