
Me and my bike crew!

I turned 38 today. Wow. I'm not sure if that makes me middle aged, but I know I'm getting there. A couple of friends who work downtown bought me lunch, which was very nice of them.

I spent most of the day working - I am writing a sermon on our churches purpose statement which is "Loving God, loving others and growing together in His Community."

I am using a text from 1 john - we love because he first loved us. We need to experience and appropriate God's love in our own lives. From that, we are then empowered and filled up to love God back and then also love others.

You could really go far in a lot of directions when preaching on the love of God.

Sermon writing - Writing a sermon is quite a journey, literally. Often when I start off, I have a general idea of where I'm headed, and then the text and the Holy Spirit send me veering down different paths. For example, I wrote 3-4 pages last night, on how to experience God's love, in spite of past hurts and rejections. And today... I'm probably not going to use it in the final text - I was led down another path.

It's actually quite exhilarating - not knowing where you're going to end up, but knowing you're going to get there. Right now, I have calculated I need to write about 10-12 pages of 12 point font, in order to get a good 30 minute message together. It's my favorite part of my job - and I get to spend half my time doing it!


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