I love Jesus, but some of His followers creep me out

Someone pointed this out to me today. This looks like the movie I wanted to make.

I've sort of stood on the side-lines and watched people on both sides lob volleys back and forth in the culture war. Hot button issues like homosexuality and abortion quickly polarize us into our safe corners.

And, I am often left wondering with questions like:

Why do the Christians feel the compulsion to wage a "values" war?

When did Jesus transform from a 1st Century Palestinian Jewish maverick Rabbi, into a White Anglo Saxon Protestant Republican?

When did the gospel become pro-war and pro-rich?

Why are Christians known more for what they are against, rather then what they are for?

Why are some people afraid of Christians?

Why aren't there more poor people in our churches?

How did our churches become middle to upper-middle class enclaves?

Why do we have Christian "celebrities"?

How did Jesus' broad reaching teaching on the Kingdom become narrowed down to a few propositional statements?


Anonymous said…
I really appreciate what you have to say here, your questions are really valid! What happened to the Servant Heart?


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