A Great Man

George Verwer challenging us with
the opportunities for global missions.

This weekend is Missionsfest at Canada Place. Missionsfest is an amazing event - several thousand people come to hear about global missions. They bring in excellent speakers.

This year George Verwer spoke. I first heard Verwer speak at Urbana 87. His message 20 years ago changed my life. Now, 20 years later I had a chance to hear him speak again. Verwer looks great for a 70 yr. old!
He is as dynamic, humorous and challenging as ever. I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone as passionate about global missions as Verwer.

Back is much better - thanks to time and prayer. Had our monthly community dinner tonight - Lowry's supplied Guitar Hero for our entertainment - what an awesome game! And it's even better in a large group.

Also - the leadership team made an important decision about the future Urban Sanctuary, without me there! It was a decision about me, and I had to excuse myself so they could discuss more freely. It was so awesome that they too full ownership of the future of this church. It was really one of the high-lights for me in church planting.


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