Heath/ My Back/ No Country / Blood

Adam is wearing clothes of mine that my Mom saved.

1. Heath Ledger - dead at 28. How sad. The entertainment web-sites are going nuts, updating every minute on the latest developments.

2. My back is killing me! No joke - I woke up this morning and I could barely move. I've been popping Motrin every 4 hours to stay sane. Going to see a Chiro doc. tomorrow - Coming from a medical family, we never really held much creedence in chiro guys, but it's better then waiting 3 months to see an orthopaedic surgeon. Please pray for me - it really really hurts. Today was pretty much a write-off - the pain kept it hard to concentrate. Adam asked if my back was broken up.

3. Oscar Nominations - No Country and Blood lead the pack. It's interesting both films and American Gangster glorify the darkest elements of the human psyche. Oscar seems to always go for the grimmer fare.


Joel M-E said…
I will be praying for your back.

Yesterday (as I was lying in bed with the flu) I thought of you and the fact that you haven't complained about the Vancouver weather and how it effects your health.... I guess that is something to smile about.

No comment on the Chiro :-)
Santosh said…
Well, it's hard to complain about the weather, with the sun pounding down on me right now. I think the Vitamin E halps.

Saw the doctor today - he had great posture.

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