Come on come on

If you google Santosh - this is the first image that comes up - that is not me.

I read a lot - probably a book / week. And I try to keep up to date with current emergent and other Christian trends. I've read Mclaren, Padgitt. I listen to the Emergent podcast.

Here's the thing - I think these folks are more concerned about this world then the next. They want to do a lot to make this world a better world to live in - which is commendable, and indeed a great deal of Jesus' Kingdom teaching was about this.

But, along the way, the message of individual redemption gets lost. Indeed, you are chastised for using the word "individual". Everything is about the restoration of kingdoms, principalities and powers.

What about the soul? Where is the motivation for evangelism?

Spent the day in meetings - from Surrey to downtown Vancouver. I'm bagged. Tomorrow at 7 AM the race begins again. Only one meeting - rest of the day, exegeting 1 Peter 1:13-25 which is about, you guessed it - redemption!


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