Celebrating Discipline

Soph checking out the fridge.

Planned out my week. I have this new goal of meeting with 10 people per week - a mixture of leaders of Urban Sanctuary, attenders of Urban Sanctuary and then a mixture of people in the community and others that are on the fringes of the faith (but will still talk with a pastor!)

I figure if this church is going to grow, it's not going to happen with me locked up in my home office reading Mirozlov Volf, or worse reading about church planting, w.out actually planting the church!!!

Also - I am trying to spend more time at my local Starbucks - I know most of the staff - it's an excellent place to connect with people.

Started prepping for a new home group study we are starting. It is a video series of one of the best Christian books ever written: Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. I have read the book 3 times - I think there is some sort of special annointing on it - it is absolutely stunning. We have the DVD of Foster doing some teaching which accompanies the book. I watched the first one tonight, and it was really good.


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