So This is Christmas

Adam holds court at 950 Cambie with Lammy and the christmas tree.


First Baptist Church broke through the church walls and spilled out into the streets of downtown Vancouver - actually under the streets. We had a Christmas party at Robson Square - an underground open area under Vancouver's famous Robson street - between Hornby and Howe.

There was music, activities for the kids, free hot chocoalte and popcorn. I was surprised at how much fun it was. Spencer did a set - reworked some old Christmas classics - did an amazing job.

I was also pleased at another level - we took over a piece of the public square and proclaimed the Kingdom - and not in some crass offensive way. We did it by offering hot chocolate and good music. We blessed the community.

Change is afoot.

I also got to connect with an awesome new family that are a part of first@night - the Delgado's from Portland Oregan. Juan is from Chile and Katie from Portland. They have a cute daughter named Hailey. They are so nice - I'm really glad they found our little church.


Julie said…
Hi Santosh
Adam is very cute and dresses like a little man. That is cool. Hope Felicia's doing well.
Happy December -
Julianne :)

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