It's a Wonderful Life.... sometimes

Entered into the Christmas madness with some shopping in the mall. I bought Felicia a pair of Pumas for her b-day (Nov. 15). Better late then never. I also got 3 Christmas movies:

Charlie Brown Christmas
Christmas Vacation
and my all time favourite Christmas movie "It's a Wonderful Life" I try to watch it every year.

I also like the very first Christmas Carol with Alistair Sims. I also have a soft spot for Christmas Vacation, back when Chevy Chase still had a career.

Had an excellent meeting with some fellow church planters. Very encouraging.Had lunch with Spencer.

Cyril came over. We ordered pizza and watched "Crimes and Misdemeanors." I've probably seen it at least a dozen times. Still a good flick.

It's interesting - Christmas is supossed to be the busiest time of the year for pastors. But I find my calender actually slows down. This is because a lot of first@night's services get sucked into FBC's.


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