Here Comes the Rain Again

Another storm is headed towards Vancouver. We ran some errands this afternoon. The rain actually looked fake - like in a movie - it was just coming down so hard and with the wind blowing it, it was bouncing off of the ground.

We're getting ready for a wine and cheese party for our neigbours tomorrow night. We've wanted to host a party for our floor for a long time. So how do you choose wine and cheese for a wine and cheese party?

Consult the internet of course, where every answer to every question can be answered. I got 3 wines: a beujolais, a savignon blanc and a yellow tail shiraz - this last one is probably my favourite wine - it is also the best selling wine in B.C. I bought another bottle to make mulled wine with, if folks want it later on.

For cheese I picked a soft, a hard, a semi-soft and a semi-hard. I have no idea what kinds they are, the spunky gal at Urban Fare helped me pick them out.

Spent most of the day thinking and praying about the changes waiting first@night. I am going to add more links to this thing. Links to other blogs I check out when I have the time.


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