Consumerism still sucks

Adam contemplates snow in Regina.

Wasted precious moments of my life in stupid Pacific Center yesterday and today. Why do I even bother? I roam around thinking I'm going to get a good deal on ..... what? I really have no need for anything. I have more clothes then I can wear at one time. I probably have several dozen books I have not read yet. I can buy music cheaper and faster on-line.

I live my life combatting various spirits - the dominant one in our culture is the spirit of consumerism, and it exerts its influence on me from time to time. Like yesterday, I bought a sweater that had been marked down. Today, I looked at it and decided I didn't NEED it, so I'm going to return it tomorrow. Money saved, not spent.

I started reading a new book by Vincent Lam. Lam is a doctor in Toronto. This is his first book and it went ahead and won the Giller Prize! Nice going Vinnie! (you can read more about it if you follow the link on his name, above.) I'm not a huge fiction fan, exceptions being Doestoevesky, Walker Percy and John Updike. But if I hear a buzz about a certain novel, I will pick it up - like Jonathen Franzen's The corrections, a few years ago.


John Santic said…
Santosh, I feel the same about's bugging me more and more each year. I'm hating it, but a part of me likes things like new books and sweaters and such...

by the way. I've tagged you and it's your turn to post up five things people didn't know about you...that is, unless you've already played the game....then you tag five others...


oldman said…
Hope you had a good Christmas. Noticed you deleted my last question.Maybe this one will be easier. I am a lapsed Catholic and my question is this. A Preist gets paid by the church as ma whole.Does a Baptist Minister rely on the contributions of his flock or does he get paid by a higher management structure?
Santosh said…
I didn't delete your last question. It's still there. I get paid through the offerings of the congregation.
Hey Oldman hope you are well :)

Santosh, my comment is this:
Consumerism does not suck!
By purchasing that shirt you were supporting the economy, there is nothing wrong with that. By buying that sweater you helped some factory worker somewhere make some money, and his boss, and their company! Just think of it that way and maybe you won't feel so bad.
Getting stuff, even if you don't need it, it totally okay!

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