more of the jetlag

it is 3:50 a.m. - i still got me some jet-lag. the conference is over and i am now in birmingham england with dr. martin robinson ( super nice couple - dylan fans too!

the conference is over and i am decompressing. i believe god re-affirmed my calling to vancouver to be a part of His work there. i also believe that i need to challenge first@night to commit themselves to being missional in their approach to church and life.

i also want a holy boldness for god to "go where no man (or woman) has gone before".

sandy mller - nicky gumbel's pastor of alpha fame prayed for me when i went forward for prayer. he prayed that i would recieve a new mantle of authority and that i would know that god chose me because he loved me.

god has chosen YOU because he loves YOU.


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