the title of this post is a play on the great clash song: "london's burning!" london is freezing cold - glad i brought all my warm clothes.

interesting day - drove into london from birmingham. the church we were going to in the morning was in sutton - the place i am staying at tonight is in sutton. we parked the car - i looked up - we were at the very street i was staying at! out of all the churches in greater london, we went to one right by where i am staying! that is so cool.

the service was ok - nothing great. had lunch at pizza hut. after i said my good-byes to the guys. i was going to stay in sutton and they were going on to central london. i won't see them again till i am back in vancouver.

came to suneel's and had a nap - then went to ram gidoomal's place. ram is this amazing christian businessman who ran for mayor a couple of times. he is one of these charismatic entrepreneurial types who is using ALL his gifts for the kingdom. i told him tonight that he is a shot of adrenaline.

went for thai food with him and his wife and valsa abraham. valsa and viju abraham are key leaders of the church in mumbai india. i worked with them in 2000 and lived with them for awhile as well.

we picked up viju at the train station and gave him a big surprise. he is trying to bring together 100 000 people to pray in mumbai for revival.

tomorrow - i take on the role of tourist. going to take in the tate gallery and do some shopping.

pray for love and peace brothers and sisters.


Anonymous said…
I think it's "London Calling" by The Clash

Santosh said…
there's another song called london's burning.

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